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11 Things We Didn't Know Last Week - Thanksgiving Edition

News, discoveries and fun ...

what we believe skeptical aliens ufo heaven hell zombies angels
Rachid Dahnoun

1. Millennials are about twice as likely to believe in aliens as boomers (27 percent vs. 14 percent). (Learn more at  AARP)

2. Connecticut twins who never married and lived modestly in their parents'  home revealed a multi-million dollar secret when they died. (Learn more at AARP)


3. Men's noses are bigger than women's. (Learn more at  Discovery)


4. The U.S. Postal Service has begun Sunday deliveries in New York and Los Angeles. (Learn more at Yahoo)

5. Vancouver outlawed doorknobs. (Learn more at AARP)


6. Mick Jagger will be a great-grandfather in early 2014. (Learn more at Guardian)


7. Buddha lived in Nepal in the 6th century BC, archaeologists found. (Learn more at redOrbit)

8. A Virginia man plans to pay off a $200,000 toll-road debt over the next 54 years. (Learn more at NBC Washington)

9. Supermarkets in several states found black widow spiders on grapes. (Learn more at Huffington Post)


10. A doctor in Minneapolis named Happy Thanksgiving will get two holidays on Nov. 28. (Learn more at UPI)




11. A Manhattan restaurant is selling "The Grass-Whopper," a burger with a patty made from crickets, Mexican cheese and seasonings. (Learn more at Yahoo)



Video Extra - A wildlife photographer has gotten close to some lions with an ingenious new device.


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Images: Home page promo image of little green man: Credit: Teddy Sczudlo/Getty Images; Aliens above: Credit: Corbis; Kathleen Magowan: Vincent Funeral HomeCouple nose to nose: lisafx/iStockphoto; Doorknob: Frank Fujimoto/Flickr; Mick Jagger: Jonathan Bayer/Flickr; Black Widow Spider: Shenrich/WikiMedia; Turkey cake: Shawn Porter/Flickr; Grass-Whopper burger: courtesy of AntojeriaNYC

Music - Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra plays Jimmie Lunceford and his Orchestra - Blue Blazes by Sy Oliver, Creative Commons, courtesy of Smithsonian Remix project.


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