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11 Things We Didn't Know Last Week

News, discoveries and fun ...


1. The top variety of banana imports could be an endangered species. (Learn more at  Nature)

2. Real-life broadcaster Mort Crim inspired Will Ferrell's character Ron Burgundy in the Anchorman movies. (Learn more at  AARP)


3. The Southeast and Northwest are the among the most envious places in the country. (Learn more at

Envy was calculated using the total number of thefts-robbery, burglary, larceny, stolen cars.


4. For years, an EPA employee kicking back on Cape Cod fooled higher ups that he was doing " intelligence work for the CIA in Pakistan." (Learn more at NBC News)

5. A cemetery could be built like a skyscraper, as in this " stairway to heaven" design from Norway. (Learn more at Discovery)


6. The last VW minibus will roll off the assembly line this month in Brazil. ( AARP)


Need a hip or knee replaced? Among the 25 best hospitals - Arkansas Surgical Hospital in Little Rock. Among the 9 worst: Grant Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio. (Learn more at AARP)


8. Wally the alligator will be the greeter at the Cajun Gator restaurant in Port Huron, Mich. (Learn more at  Times Herald)


9. A 24-karat gold-plated Xbox One gaming console costs $9,750 from British retailer Harrods. (Learn more at The Telegraph)


10. It will be illegal to manufacture or import incandescent 60- and 40-watt light bulbs after Dec. 31. (Learn more at CNN)

11. Pumpkin seeds help you sleep better. (Learn more at AARP)

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Bonus video - We hope you're getting ready to have a Blue, but not too blue, Christmas...

Next week we're featuring 11 Things We Didn't Know Last YEAR!  Here's where they all live. Mail your ideas for best items of the year to

On Twitter, we're using the hashtag   #11things.

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Images - Bananas poster: Courtesy of Zazzle; Anchorman poster: Paramount Pictures; 7 Deadly Sins Maps: Kansas State University; High-rise cemetery: NORSK FORENING FOR KIRKEGí…RDSKULTUR; VW Bus: Joe Raedle/Getty Images; Hip replacements:  Dieter Meyrl/istockphoto; Alligator: spfoto/istockphoto; Gold XBox: Harrod's via highsnobiety; Pumpkin seeds: Brian Jackson/Flickr


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