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11 Things We Didn't Know Last Week

News, discoveries and fun ...


1. Rinsing raw chicken doesn't get rid of bacteria; it just spreads the germs. (Learn more at  AARP)

2. Santa Claus doesn't get jury duty. (Learn more at  Yahoo)

3. In Britain, it takes just 58 minutes, on average, for a  newborn's picture to appear on social media. (Learn more at The  Telegraph)


4. Plain toast for breakfast can make you fat. (Learn more at AARP)


5. A 93-year-old Brit broke his own world record as the  world's oldest " wing walker." (Learn more at  Metro)

6. Only 22 percent of Americans think labor unions have brighter days ahead. (Learn more at AARP)

7. Lava lamps are 50 years old. (Learn more at Huffington Post)


8. Each night, nearly 9 million Americans rely on  prescription sleeping pills. (Learn more at  AARP)

9. Is that dummy talking to me? Seeing the puppet's mouth move is more convincing than hearing the ventriloquist's voice. (Learn more at Futurity)

10. "Epaulette" sharks walk around the ocean floor on fins. (Learn more at Conservation International)

Walking Shark, Hemiscyllium halmahera

11. Murderous hunchback King  Richard III had roundworm. (Learn more at The Guardian)

Bonus video: Diana Nyad, 64, will have to update the documentary about her four failed attempts to swim from Cuba to Florida. (Learn more at AARP's Facebook page)

Learn something this week? Let us know, at, and we'll try to include your story next time.

On Twitter, we're using the hashtag  #11things.

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Images - Chicken: Indiana Public Media/Flickr; Mom and baby: Roger Penguino/Flickr; Toast:; Lava lamp: antigavin/Flickr; Walking shark: Mark Erdmann/©Conservation International

Music - Deep Sky Blue, by Graphiqs Groove


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