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AARP Media Relations

AARP doesn’t endorse or give money to political candidates, parties or campaigns. We do not direct candidates, parties or PACs to use our name in ads, fundraising emails or other campaign efforts. Ever. When AARP’s name is misused by a campaign, we ask that they take it down. Our non-partisan status matters to us and to our members, especially in this day and age, and has been verified by numerous independent fact checkers.
Last week, President Biden and former President Obama spoke about the state of health care in the United States a dozen years after the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) passage. It’s easy to forget just how many people lacked coverage before the ACA was enacted: 18.2% of the country, or about 48.2 million non-elderly Americans, had no coverage in 2010 – one in six of whom were 50-64 years old.
New state voting rules and restrictions are making the simple act of casting a ballot more complicated in much of the country. To help confront this challenge, has published guides to voting in this year’s primaries and general elections in every state, plus for Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Our reporters will update these guides (in English and Spanish) through Election Day, as voting rules continue to change and as more redistricting plans take effect.
To further reach all people age 50 and over and continue fostering relationships with multicultural journalists, AARP again sponsored three major diversity and inclusion conferences for media professionals in 2019. With presences at meetings for the National Association of Black Journalists, the…
Elizabeth Dole Foundation, AARP and Hiring Our Heroes Bring Together Leaders at National Employment Summit
Growing Momentum in Federal and State Governments
AARP is commemorating its 60th anniversary with the construction of outdoor fitness parks in local communities in every state, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In collaboration with the national nonprofit, FitLot, AARP Tampa worked with the local Parks and Recreation…
As the U.S. population ages, more workers are taking on responsibilities for caring for family members with illnesses or disabilities. These duties can have a substantial economic impact on employees and pose challenges for companies to find ways to make the workplace more “caregiver-friendly.”…
Technology holds great promise in addressing the needs of older adults as they focus on remaining healthy, active, socially connected and independent. To understand their behavior around adopting tech products, the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) and the CTA Foundation surveyed older adults…
Skyrocketing prescription drug prices have been a major, ongoing concern for many Americans, particularly older Americans. A new AARP survey confirms this: 72 percent of adults age 50 and older said they’re worried about being able to afford their medications. Seniors are especially vulnerable to…
AARP recently won a prominent " Sharecare Award" for its video spotlighting men as family caregivers, raising attention to an often hidden but vitally important group of people. Co-produced with AARP Studios, the 3-minute video offers an inside look at a gathering of African-American men from…
Last fall my mom got an iPhone so she could text with her children and grandchildren. It turns out she’s part of a trend of older Americans embracing technology to keep in touch with family and friends.
Anyone looking for evidence that the tech industry is waking up to the power of the Longevity Economy – the term many use as a catch-all for the $7.6 trillion in annual economic activity in the U.S. generated by people age 50 and up -- need look no further than CES, the global consumer electronics…