Many of you may be part of the sandwich generation, which includes over 8 million people who are caring for aging parents at the same time as caring for young children. Yesterday, the Today Show did a great report about those who are feeling the squeeze. I blogged about the recent AARP study last…
For those of you reading that are Medicare recipients (and just to clarify, 13 million of our members ARE boomers), November 15 began the period of open enrollment for Medicare Part D. This means it is time to get smart and choose a plan that works for you. Research shows that people are satisfied…
Blogland is talking about the mortgage lending mess ( here, here and here) that we are facing in this country and the need for reform in the biz. There is legislation make its' way through the House with an expected vote tomorrow that would help. It is not perfect - is legislation ever perfect?…
Tomorrow, business leaders, unions and AARP are having a roundtable discussion about hybrid pensions plans. What is a hybrid pension plan? I wondered too, which is why I poked around for you. A good background from the BBC here but the short version is that it is an interesting cross breed between…
The big story today on health care is a new Congressional Budget Office report about the long-term outlook for health care spending. What do the wise ones over at CBO tell us? That health care costs are skyrocketing (I am actually on hold with the insurance company right now) and costing not just…
AARP is cooler than you think. Today they are announcing a new public service announcement campaign featuring Ben Affleck, Garth Brooks, Dakota Fanning, Morgan Freeman, Eva Mendes, Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Piven and Reese Witherspoon highlighting the need for affordable, quality health care and…
Just in time for Caregiver Awareness Month, AARP has released a survey about those who are doing most of the caregiving - boomer women. Turns out these women are talking to their parents about how they want to live as they get older, but not enough are actually doing the planning. Nearly 70 percent…