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Jill Greenberg

Lots of coverage in today's papers on last night's forum in Sioux City where McCain and Huckabee talked about health and financial security issues. The highlight comes from CNN: Huckabee says, "I think that frankly they're the losers for not being here," Huckabee told reporters following the forum.…
SCHIP is again alive, if only for a short time. Still has to go back through the legislative wringer, but let's keep our fingers crossed for the 10 million kids who need health coverage.
It used to be that bells and whistles that made cars safer were only for the high rollers. No more. Today's NY Times highlights what Detroit and others are offering drivers in new cars to make them safer and easier to drive. Among the toys are: cameras that see behind you and steering that can help…
An interesting article this week in The New Republic by Jonathan Chait about what he deems "entitlement hysteria". He brings up, correctly, that there's a lot of talk, but not a lot of action in Washington on the long term health of Medicare and Social Security. Chait also argues that the reason…
Ray highlighted it this morning - Larry Lipman's Medicare Monitor talking about the recent ads by AARP and the AMA on limiting payments to Medicare Advantage plans. What's it all about? Basically insurance companies are getting paid to the tune of $54 billion while people who receive Medicare have…
Today, Congress is hard at work talking (not doing anything just yet) on financial security issues, including mortgage reform, retirement plans, and 401k fees. Why should we care? If you want to even think about retiring, you have to consider getting a mortgage and saving for retirement. How can…
While some of the candidates might be lame for not attending the AARP Iowa issues forum, there is good news. The event will now be a forum with Senator John McCain and former Governor Mike Huckabee talking about health and financial security issues AND it will be online.
I know it is close to 80 degrees in most of the northeast today, but eventually it will get cold. And some people have trouble affording keeping their homes heated. According to a recent blog posting by David Certner, funding for LIHEAP isn't keeping up.
Presidential candidates are out and about chattering about health and financial security. The latest? Senator Biden is expected to announce his health care plan in Iowa today. And former Senator Fred Thompson was just out and about in Florida talking about Social Security yesterday.
AP reported that AARP, along with IPTV have retooledthe previously scheduled debate to a candidates forum with Senator John McCain and former Governor Mike Huckabee. The candidates will talk about health and financial security issues.
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