It's not what you think anymore, this over 50 stuff. There is no more fading into the sunset when it comes to work and relationships. CNN has a report about dating over 50 and how people are not necessarily looking for a spouse, but they are dating. And the Chicago Tribune reports how folks are…
Candidates left and right are talking about important financial security issues today. Senator Hillary Clinton unveiled a plan for universal 401ks and Se nator John McCain outlined retooling job training programs for older workers. It's great to hear the candidates bringing up these issues if only…
A CNBC online poll asks," What is the most important economic issue the next president should focus on?" with the choices being taxes, free trade, government spending or health care. It's nice to see that they included health care as an economic issue.
IowaVotes 2008 picked up an AARP poll about likely Democratic caucus goers, which shows that health and financial security are top issues. With the caucus creeping ever closer, these results serve as a reminder about how important these issues are to the 50+ voters.
The cost of health care is impacting everyone. New ads today from two powerful forces, AARP and the American Medical Association, asking Congress to help Medicare patients keep their doctors and still be able to afford their health care. This comes as Congress is looking at reducing payments to…
Today's Sioux City Journal gets it right - Republican presidential candidates are missing an opportunity to talk to 50+ voters in Iowa by not yet agreeing to come to the AARP Forum on October 25th.
Interesting column from Robert Samuelson about Social Security and Medicare. Look, we know all know the programs need to be strengthened so everyone can afford to grow older. Samuelson is missing the full point. As both Matthew Ygleasias of the Atlantic and CBO Director Peter Orszag note, the…
As reported everywhere in the free world, President Bush has vetoed the CHIP bill. While the rumors had been brewing for days, this really represents a step backwards for everyone. We've got a health care crisis in this country and the chance to insure 9 million kids is an opportunity to start…
In honor of AARP's upcoming October 25th Republican Presidential Forum, the Sioux City, IA City Council had declared October Divided We Fail month. The forum in being held in Sioux City and as of today, Senator John McCain and former Governor Mike Huckabee have agreed to attend. Story here.