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Another Debate

Is it possible that these debates are getting more underwhelming? It's the closing stretch for the candidates, you would think their might be a focus on the real issues that concern people day in and day out. Fewer than a quarter of tonight's questions were about health care or financial security. Instead, tonight's discussion focused on question of religion and campaign ads- issues that at the end of the day don't alleviate what ails us as a nation.
There was a brief mention of Social Security, but honestly, all the options need to be discussed and neither Congressman Paul or former Governor Romney (who both talked about the issue) laid out the full scope of what is happening. It is important that we reform Social Security for the long haul, but we've got to do something that will be fair for all generations.
It would be great if the candidates took these debates as an opportunity to show the American people that they are committed to change. I guess there's next week.

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