AARP Eye Center
By Jill Greenberg, February 5, 2008 09:49 PM
Yes, there is collective nail biting across America tonight as we all watch the primary results roll in. There are some exit polls coming out tonight that give us a sense of what the electorate looks like. And we know, as expected, that folks are overwhelmingly concerned about economic issues and nearly half of the voters are 50 plus. A smattering of results:
In New York, 52 percent of the Democrats and 58 percent of the Republicans were 50 plus. In both primaries, over 40 percent of folks cited the economy as the issue they were most concerned about.
In Arizona, over 70 percent of the electorate in both primaries was 45 and over. The economy was a key issue for half of the Democrats and nearly a third of Republicans.
Illinois followed the path, with nearly half the Democratic voters and over half of the Republican voters in the 50 plus group. The economy also dominated, with 42 percent of Republicans and half of Democrats calling it the issue they are most concerned about.
Doesn't three make a trend?