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Looking For Neighbors Your Own Age? Avoid Alaska and Utah


Tired of hearing your young neighbor's pop music blaring out the windows? A new report reveals the states in which you're more likely to hear the Beatles than Bieber.

And if you thought Florida topped the list, you'd be wrong.

West Virginia had the highest share of households headed by people 55 and older (45 percent), narrowly beating out Florida (44 percent), Hawaii and Maine (43 percent each), and Pennsylvania and Montana (42 percent each).

Where else might you meet  people who graduated from high school in the '60s and early '70s? Certainly not in Utah or Alaska. Those were the only states where fewer than a third of the households were age 55 and up, according to the report by the National Association of Home Builders.

Other findings of the report, which was based on Census Bureau data:

- About 44 million households (38 percent) are headed by someone age 55 or up.

- In every state, the 55-plus category accounts for over 30 percent of all households.

- By 2019, nearly 45 percent of all U.S. households will be headed by people 55-plus.

The report also cited the counties that had the highest share of older households: Mineral County, Colo., and Sumter County, Fla., at 77 percent each; Sierra County, N.M., at 74 percent; and Esmeralda County, Nev., and Wheeler County, Ore., at 71 percent each.

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