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News To Know: Get The Word Out

Because there is such a pressing need to end the gridlock here in Washington, we've been taking the issues directly to the people. This is why you've likely noticed a surge in political ads including the huge Divided We Fail ad campaign that has been going on nation-wide. The politicians are just not getting things done and the American people are the ones left in the lurch. By bringing our message to the people we can work together to make some real progress here.
Speaking of getting the word out, yesterday the blogosphere picked up on the presumptive 2008 nominees sparring over Social Security. While there has been a lot of posturing, little if anything has actually gotten done to this point. However, this lively debate is a step in the right direction. Regardless of what you personally believe the best way of protecting Social Security may be, a vibrant public dialogue between our leaders is clearly a necessary step in the process.

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