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News To Know: Keeping Medicare Healthy

Well it was looking dicey for a while, but the legislation designed to prevent cuts to Medicare patients doctors' rates has been changed to ensure that patients won't be stuck paying the tab. While the legislation was starting to look like it would leave patients to foot the bill through increased premiums, recent changes will protect Medicare recipients while still preventing a cut in doctors' rates. This is a real win and good news for the millions of Americans who rely on Medicare.
Meanwhile, the need to protect Social Security is only growing and there has been little effort by the government to do anything about it. The 2008 Presidential hopefuls butted heads on Social Security yesterday as covered by Bonney Kapp of Fox News Embed Producers' Blog. Though Social Security has been debated widely, so far that debate has only paid lip-service to the problems facing the program. Let's look to these two politicians to put those word into action.

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