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Are you over 50 and loving your life? Are you passionate about community, travel and meeting people. Are you a regular blogger and big user of social media?
This is your chance to blog your way to AARP's Orlando@50+ event, a gathering of 25,000 AARP members for three full days of exhibits, concerts, and wide ranging information sessions including health, fitness, travel, sex and relationships, volunteering, technology skills, and much more, along with three full nights of events and meet-ups. Orlando@50 runs from September 30-October 3 in, you guessed it, Orlando.
This is a chance to be the eyes and ears of AARPs membership, sharing news, information and stories with those unable to attend the event and to have a great time doing it! You will have a media pass to the event and the opportunity to meet and interview high profile speakers.
Up to three winning bloggers will get an all-expenses trip to Orlando@50+, be published and promoted on the AARP's blog, Twitter and Facebook page and will be given a Flipcam (to keep) to document their experiences.
The Ideal Competition Winner will be someone who:
* Is enjoying life at (or above) 50
* Is passionate about blogging and social media
* Is excited by the range of presenters and events at Orlando@50
* Is clever and thoughtful in their writing
* Writes posts that give non-conference attendees an insider feel for the atmosphere and experience of the event
* Has a plan for providing optimal coverage of the multi-track event
* Feels comfortable asking for and conducting interviews with busy and/or distracted people
* Is willing to work hard, stay up late and rise early to report on the action of the event
* Can produce two high-quality blog posts per day
* Can use Twitter effectively to provide coverage of the event for those who aren't present
To enter, simply publish an article on your personal blog on what you love about life@50 (or above). The post must be no more than 600 words and must include this text at the bottom of the article (not included in the 600 words):
I'm trying to blog my way to the AARP Orlando@50 conference. This blog post is an entry in their competition to find the official blogger to travel to and cover the event. Find out more about the conference here.
Once your post is published email it to us, along with all of the information in the entry form (below) to media (at) aarp (dot) org by 11.59pm US EST Sunday September 5. All competition terms and conditions are below.
Good luck everyone!
Entry Form:
Date of Birth:
URL of blog:
Number of readers/month:
URL of entry blog post:
URL of another blog post you are proud of:
Are you a member of AARP?:
Which session or speakers are you most excited about at Orlando@50?:
What will be your approach to covering a large multi-track event like this?
By submitting this entry you are agreeing to the terms of conditions.
The Prize:
The winner of the Orlando@50 bloggers competition will receive a free economy-class ticket to and from Orlando as well as accommodations and meals September 30-October 3 2010 and will be an official blogger of the Orlando@50 Conference which takes place during that period of time. Should the winner wish to stay in Orlando beyond the event, all ongoing travel and accommodations are the bloggers responsibility. Winning bloggers will also receive a Flip Camera to use in documenting the event and keep afterwards.
The Selection Process:
All entries received by September 5 will be reviewed by AARP staff and guest judges. Entries will be evaluated for the quality of the writing, compatibility in tone and style with AARP Shaarp Sessions blog, as well as the blogger's perceived ability to professionally cover a large 3-day, multi-track event. 8 finalists will be selected and the winner will be chosen by a team of judges including 1 AARP staff member and 2 non-staff members. Winners will be announced by Friday September 10.

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