AARP Eye Center
Mel Brooks Part 3: Mel's Favorite Mel Brooks Movies
By Bill Newcott, November 30, 2012 10:35 PM
I was expecting just eight minutes or so on the phone talking with Mel Brooks about his new DVD/CD/Book Collection "The Incredible Mel Brooks: An Irresistible Collection of Unhinged Comedy." But as you'll hear in my You Tube video above, when Mel Brooks wants to talk, you don't try to stop him (not that I wanted to!).
I had to toil mightily to cut our 45-minute chat down to three short segments. In this part, Mel tells me his favorite Mel Brooks movies (and they don't include Blazing Saddles or The Producers).
CLICK HERE to read my article about my chat with Mel-and about halfway down the page, click the link to hear my two-minute Movies for Grownups Radio Show with him.
YOUTUBE PART ONE: Mel Remembers Carl Reiner and the 2,000 Year Old Man
YOUTUBE PART TWO: Sid Caesar and Your Show of Shows
(Photo: Brooksfilms)