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Sebelius Asks Members for Help, Unveils New Price Comparison Tool

Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health & Human Services, called on AARP members to get the word out to their friends and family about the changes in the health care law that will benefit their families. She rattled off a long list of changes that will help older Americans- things like reductions in co-pays, advances in long-term care that support independent living, elimination of age rating and closing the donut hole in Medicare. Blogger Frank Paynter of Listics summed it up.

Secretary Sebelius at AARP event

She announced that as of today at, you can now compare prices between Medicare plans. That's big news for any of us trying to save a few dollars (ore more) in this tough economy!
Secretary Sebelius asked audience members to learn about the law and get the word out. You can get the facts here at

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