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Aging with Purpose: Now is the Time to Give Back
By Leigh Anne Tuohy, August 9, 2011 10:55 AM
As I mentioned several weeks ago, my birthday was fast approaching; well it will arrive this week! However, last Wednesday morning my doorbell rang and when I answered the door, there stood a deliveryman with the most breath taking floral arrangement. I just knew he was at the wrong house, but much to my surprise he said delivery for Mrs. Leigh Anne Tuohy. "Oh my, that's me!" The card read: The first gift of birthday week, Love Sean. Wow.....birthday week, I like the sound of that! And each day since when I awake, the birthday fairy has come during the night and left me a wonderful gift.

These kind gestures by the big birthday fairy that sleeps next to me each night has eased the pain of being another year older. Growing old is inevitable, how you face it is controllable. I have decided we can be great at any age! I'm not going to moan and groan myself into the grave. I can moan about being another year older or be grateful that I am still here!
Age is just a number, you've heard that a million times. At any and all ages we should be looking for new opportunities, meeting new friends, visiting old friends, smelling the flowers, finding out how something works, and trying not to take ourselves too seriously! Don't let each birthday build a wall between you and something you want to achieve. You are never too old to do something new! Don't let society impose restrictions on you just because when a certain age rolls around there are limitations that are supposed to be applied.
At age 89, Frank Lloyd Wright completed the Guggenheim Museum and at age 99 golfer Otto Bucher cards a hole in one on the 130 yard twelfth hole at Spain's LaManga golf course. This is your life and it's up to you how you spend your days. Just because you hit a particular age doesn't mean you stop making an effort or having parade worthy moments.
Yes, with age does come some limitations, but don't look at your age as a prison. Continue or even get started to use every opportunity to do good. Don't let these moments to reach out and change a life, slip through your fingers just because of society's "rules." You now will hopefully have more time and freedom to step up and put your name on that volunteer list. Now is just as good a time as any to realize that giving back will enhance not only your life but that of someone else. What you do or don't do -right now- could make a life changing impact on that "someone"!
Remember the obvious, use balance, moderation and good judgment but don't let age stop you from continuing to live a life that inspires a spirit of charity and community service. Victor Hugo said, "Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart." One day we will all be a memory to someone, be sure you are a good one!
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @LeighAnneTuohy and play #TuohyTrivia on Tuesdays for a chance to win a $25 donation to the charity of your choice for answering the question correctly. Learn more about my family's charity at The Making It Happen Foundation.
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