AARP Eye Center
Final Thoughts from Life@50+
By Jill Greenberg, September 8, 2007 01:14 PM
Today's daytime events ended with the 2011 Council, named for the first year that the baby boomers turn 65. This year, Morgan Fairchild, Thomas Oliphant, Robert Reich, David Walker, and AARP's Hugh Delahanty and John Rother talked about lifetime health and financial security.
An interesting observation from today's discussion and follow up questions: No matter how old, no matter your financial circumstances, people are concerned about these issues and not only worry about themselves, they worry about their children and if it is possible for them to enjoy their lives as they age.
I was talking to Tom Oliphant backstage before the event and he commented to me that he had kids in their 30's and because of this he was concerned about our financial future as a nation. This was another sentiment that was clear as the 90 minute discussion unfolded.
Some pictures below. Bottom line, people care about these issues. Now it is time for action by those who can do something about them.