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How Does Life Get Better After 50? You Tell Us!

Alas, not a tragic typo for "Hardbutts."

The year I turned 50, I notched my fastest time ever in the Sea Gull Century - a yearly 100-mile bike ride on Maryland's Eastern Shore that I had tackled for more than a decade. Was I a lean, mean cycling machine that year? Far from it! (See team jersey, right.) Rather, I think it took me that long to develop the mental toughness not to let the ride's length intimidate me.

"Hmm," I thought, admiring my total time - 5 hours - at ride's end. "Maybe this whole aging thing isn't such a bummer after all!"

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Yeah, I would say that, right? I mean, c'mon - I work for AARP! But be honest: List the ways that life gets better after 50 and the reasons pile up pretty fast:

Allan Fallow
One big plus of 50+: minimal comb costs!

My hair-care expenses (left) are wa-a-ay down.

My weight may be up, but so is my bank balance - no more of the extreme penny-pinching we practiced with kids at home.

After 35 years of marriage, I've gotten telepathic with my wife. (How else does she know to call whenever I start talking to another woman at work?)

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Now it's your turn to reflect on why life improves after 50: As part of AARP's yearlong "Boomers @ 50+" celebration, we want to hear from you! In the comment section below, let us know how life has gotten better for you in your 50-plus years.

Photos - Jersey: Mimi Fallow; Portrait: Beheen Dabestani


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