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Other Happenings

While we are in Florida, there's been some big happenings in South Carolina on the Democratic primary front. One of the more interesting things from last night's exit polls is this nugget reported by the Associated Press:
"Given three choices, half the voters said the economy was the most important issue facing the country - up from 38 percent in the only other competitive Democratic primary to date, in New Hampshire on Jan. 8. About a quarter picked health care, comparable to New Hampshire. Only about one in five picked Iraq, down from 27 percent in New Hampshire."
There was chatter on the blogs about this last night, but this is not revolutionary. What we know from AARP members, AARP surveys and even just informally talking to people across the country that health and financial security are the top issues they are concerned about day in and day out and it's time for politicians to start addressing them.

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