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Some Fun in NH

AARP has a team of folks in New Hampshire leading up to primary day tomorrow and they are attending candidate events all over the state - Nashua, Manchester, Keane, you name it. But sometimes it is the less direct education that can have an impact.
The team came up with these cool coasters that they have been handing out to the candidates. They have clever sayings like, "A Republican and a Democrat walk into a bar to discuss health care. This shouldn't be a joke." On Saturday, they took it a step further. While chatting up reporters at New Hampshire's notorious Wayfarer Inn, they stumbled upon an even better idea - they left our Champ coasters at the bar. The bartender said she'd be glad to use the "Champsters" (that's Champ and coasters - get it?!) when serving the media folks.
Influence any way you can, I say!

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