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A New Way to Get - And Give - Advice!

Note from Shaarp Session editor: This is a guest post from writer Leslie Quander Wooldridge of AARP The Magazine.
When you have a problem, talking to someone who's been there can help. That's why AARP The Magazine has launched a new " Wisdom Circle" group in our Online Community. Members can connect with each other and ask peers for advice on relationship topics like love, friendship, grief, parenting, and grandparenting.
When you find the group online, feel free to post your own question--or answer someone else's. A cool feature? The magazine prints selected questions and answers--anonymously of course!--to help other readers who may have similar issues. (For instance, when a man faced a looming separation from his grandchild, AARP members had great tips.)
We'd love to have you join--please visit the Wisdom Circle!

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