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Tweet Your Way to an iPad in AARP's Orlando@50+ Twitter Contest

Calling all Twitterati! Think you've got the best group of Twitter followers? We'll see... AARP's hosting a Twitter contest in conjunction with our Orlando@50+ event.

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With THOUSANDS of members in town to party, play and learn, there will no doubt be some great tweets to follow and @AARP will be highlight the best of 'em. If you weren't able to travel to Orlando, you can play at home by watching all of the action on the Orlando@50+ Digital Experience ( sign up here) where the action will be live streamed!
So, starting Thursday, September 30 at 7:30am ET and running through Saturday October 2nd at 9pm, we'll be tracking all tweets using the event hashtag of #Orlando50.
The person who gets the most RT's (that's retweets or follower shares for you newbies!) will win a brand spanking new iPad loaded with all of AARP's apps & Digital Newstand.
We'll announce the winning Tweeter on our Twitter account, so make sure you're following @AARP. So, share the best quotes, quips and stories from #Orlando50 and may the best tweeter win!
PS. Just getting started and want to learn more about Twitter? The team at social media news outlet has a great Twitter Starter Guide.
PSS. Spammers and marketers need not apply. This is only for individuals. For full rules, send an email to media (at) aarp (dot) org.

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