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At Democratic Convention, Medicare Wins Prime-Time Prominence on Opening Night

From mayors to members of Congress, and from governors to Cabinet secretaries, opening-night speakers at the Democratic National Convention pushed one of the biggest emerging issues of the 2012 presidential campaign - Medicare - into prime-time prominence.


Social Security scarcely drew a mention. Andrew Tobias, the columnist and author (and treasurer of the Democratic National Committee), called Democrats "the party of Social Security." Medicare, on the other hand, was a recurring theme. Some of the comments:

  • "President Obama extended the program's life by eight years while improving seniors' benefits, and strengthened the Medicare guarantee." -Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

  • "Americans have worked for their Medicare. They have paid for their Medicare . . . Democrats will make the tough choices - the right choices - to reduce the deficit and to preserve Medicare, for this generation and the next." -Pennsylvania Rep. Allyson Schwartz

  • "Instead of safeguarding our seniors, Romney and Ryan would end the guarantee of Medicare and replace it with a voucher . . ." -Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley

-Susan Milligan

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