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Democrat Murphy Wins Senate Seat From Connecticut

Democrat Chris Murphy has won a hard-fought Senate race in Connecticut and captured 51 percent of voters ages 50-64, the biggest single age group in the Nutmeg State. Republican Linda McMahon took 46 percent of that vote in the battle for the seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Joseph Lieberman. Murphy won by the same margin among 65-plus voters, who make up 19 percent of the state's electorate.

President Obama, as predicted, won Connecticut - but didn't do as well as Murphy among older voters overall. Both Obama and GOP candidate Mitt Romney won their respective age groups: The 51-year-old Obama took the 50-64-year-old group by a 53-45 percent margin, while Romney, 65, narrowly took age 65-plus voters by a 51-49 percent margin.

Medicare and Social Security were both issues in the Senate race, with Murphy attacking McMahon for a comment she once made about "sunsetting" Social Security. McMahon said her comments were taken out of context. -Susan Milligan

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