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Florida's Last Days

AARP's Florida State Director Lori Parham brings us this report from the Sunshine State:
We had more than 200 folks come out on Monday to a Divided We Fail rally in Hollywood, with interest from both Democratic and Republican state legislators who agree with the bi-partisan message of our efforts. Also surrogates for Romney, Huckabee, Giuliani, McCain were there. Craig Romney's son, loved Champ and even danced with him.
Staff and volunteers were in Pensacola to greet Huckabee today, share the side by side and ensure a presence in the often overlooked north. Folks covered McCain in Tampa, were on stage with Romney in Ft. Myers, and followed both of these candidates to Orlando as well. We're everywhere!
It continues on Tuesday, with folks in Tampa at the Romney site and in Miami at the McCain event. We'll have students and volunteers in front of the capitol in Tallahassee waving signs and have asked more than 700 people since last Wed to go to the polls in their DWF shirts. Today, Florida will be a sea of red shirts.

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