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Be Your Own Patient: Organize Your Medical Life

Whether you're the healthiest of the healthy or sick as a dog, we all have a history and present health records to take care of. And often, when switching health care providers, new patients don't know what drugs they're taking, have taken or what minor conditions they may have. The latest from AARP Magazine talks about the importance of keeping a personal account of your health not only for your doctor, but your own well-being:
Dr. Katalin Roth, director of geriatrics and palliative medicine at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C., says "Patients have a responsibility to keep a record with their medications and allergies, a list of chronic illnesses, and any special condition, such as a bleeding problem. Caregivers need that information, too. Those records could be crucial to helping health care workers save your life."
Keeping good medical records is only the beginning. The complexity of today's health care system means patients need to ask for complete information from their doctors about the benefits and risks of tests, medications and procedures, and to research the track records of specialists and hospitals before they undergo surgeries or complicated treatments. Taking a more active role in your health care or that of your loved ones can be the gateway to better health, but it also requires management skills.
Check out the tips the piece gives you that will help you get your medical life in order.

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