AARP Eye Center
11 Things We Didn't Know Last Week
By Steve Mencher, October 30, 2013 05:21 PM
News, discoveries and fun ...

1. A common food additive comes from scent glands located near a beaver's butt. (Learn more at AARP)
2. The coldest known place in the universe (at 458 degrees below zero) is Boomerang Nebula, in the constellation Centaurus. (Learn more at Discovery)
3. Men really do look at women's bodies more than their faces. But so do women. (Learn more at Fox News)

4. An Alabama man has been fighting to fulfill his late wife's wish to be buried in their front yard. (Learn more at AARP)
5. Adults 70-85 who regularly volunteer are in better physical shape than younger adults who don't. (Learn more at Medical
6. The continents of Europe and Asia are now connected by the world's deepest underwater railway tunnel. (Learn more at CNN)

7. The 12 million Roma worldwide are descended from a Hindi people in northern India. (Learn more at Discovery)
8. The California Highway Patrol ticketed a woman for driving while wearing Google Glass. (Learn more at The Verge)

9. Bob Barker will return to The Price is Right in December, for his 90th birthday. (Learn more at People)

10. Five teens photographed in a passing car by Beatle Ringo Starr almost 50 years ago will meet their idol in November. (Learn more at AARP)

11. Some common health screenings do more harm than good. (Learn more at AARP)
Bonus video:
The red-capped manakin can moonwalk better than Michael Jackson.
Learn something this week? Mail your ideas to, and we'll try to include your story next time.
On Twitter, we're using the hashtag #11things.
Let us read 11 Things to you:
Images - Beaver: Stevehdc/Flickr; Aquarium Bar: Mike Smail/Flickr; Tunnel opening: VikiPicture/Wikimedia; Google Glass: Google; Bob Barker: Fireballk2588/Flickr; Beatle fans: Ringo Starr/ Photograph/ Genesis Publications; Manakin in audio player: joule_e/Flickr
Promotional Photo: Bob Bennett/Getty Images
Sounds: Music - Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra plays Jimmie Lunceford and his Orchestra - Blue Blazes by Sy Oliver, Creative Commons, courtesy of Smithsonian Remix project.

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