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11 Things We Didn't Know Last Week

News, discoveries and ... fun


Mehgan Murphy


1. N aked mole-rats may hold the secret to conquering aging in humans. (Learn more at

2. A man in deep thought has been lurking beneath one of Pablo Picasso's first masterpieces. (Learn more at AARP)



3. A new "smart cup" can recognize and track everything you drink - and even tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi. (Learn more at The Verge)



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4. The stereotype of the "greedy geezer" voter is a figment of the public imagination. (Learn more at



5. Walking just 6,000 steps a day can help you avoid or reduce the pain of arthritic knees. (Learn more at AARP)



6. Bill Clinton is the most admired president of the past 25 years. (Learn more at the Wall Street Journal)



7. Younger people favor expanding Social Security more than older people. (Learn more at AARP)



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8. If you inherit an IRA, creditors can get their hands on the money in it. (Learn more at AARP)



9. This year, Dad is worth $24,103. (Learn more at AARP)



10. Oxytocin, the "love hormone," can make old muscles new again. (Learn more at



11. Manatees swim by farting. (Learn more at




Bonus video: It's summertime, and swimming pools everywhere are opening for the season. All the more reason to love this little vignette-in-a-video from Wire Fox Terrier Rescue Midwest. Can Waldo fish his beloved squeaky toys out of the kiddie pool? You'll have to watch to find out.

Learn something this week? Mail your ideas to, and we'll try to include your story next time.

On Twitter, we're using the hashtag #11things.

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Images - naked mole-rat: Smithsonian's National Zoo; infrared image of Pablo Picasso's "The Blue Room" (1901), The Phillips Collection © 2008; Vessyl "smart cup":; "geezer" voter: Artemis Gordon (iStockphoto); arthritic knees: temet (iStockphoto); former presidents: White House photo by Eric Draper via Wikipedia; creditors and IRAs: Radiant Byte (iStockphoto); "Father Knows Best" cast photo (1962): Wikipedia; oxytocin: MindZiper via Wikipedia; manatee: Ahodges7 via Wikipedia


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