AARP Eye Center
Have I Found My Prince at Last?
By Rachel Blumme, January 5, 2016 11:23 AM

Something unusual has happened. I’ve been in contact with a man I met online. He’s a few years younger than me, his profile is exciting and his photos are beyond exciting.
This has never happened to me before. I’d found interesting profiles, but none that made my heart thump hard. Was my heart thumping or subconsciously was my body humping? Who knows? Either way, I felt thrilled when he emailed me and phoned me.
He is of Italian heritage and has been living in south Florida for only six months. He owns a business that imports specialty gourmet food. Let’s call him Marco Polo, my own famous Italian merchant.
I discovered he was on a business/family trip to Italy for December. The long-distance call and his sweet accent confirmed that he is actually from Italy and has homes there and in Florida. He called me “dear” and asked, “Can you send a cellphone photo of your beautiful self, so I can show off to my friends?” I was melting like mozzarella in a fiery oven.
After tantalizing phone conversations and texts, he asked if he could send a plane ticket so I could be with him during the holidays. I said sure, thinking he was kidding. He wasn’t. I told a few of my family and friends about his proposal. They freaked that I would consider such an offer. I confess, I feel frightened, but I can’t help smiling, thinking about how much fun it would be to perhaps tell my grandchildren about someday.
Marco and I agreed to a serious phone conversation about this enticing offer. I told him I would only consider the trip if he proved that he and his business were real and that we Skype many times to get better acquainted.
I also declared that I did not want to feel indebted to have sex with him because he sent me a plane ticket. I believe in friendship, trust, love, then intimacy. This takes more time than a vacation in Italy. Perhaps the biggest hoop he needed to jump through was my request that he somehow convince my parents and me that I would be safe.
I assumed all these requirements (especially the last two) would scare him off, but they didn’t. Instead, he told me he respected all my “policies” but felt confused, and maybe we should get together when he returns to Florida. Would I ever find out that Geppetto created a handsome, intelligent, kind and real prince for me?
In the meantime, another man with a large sailboat contacted me. He has already circumnavigated the globe. We went out and had a lovely day together. During the date, he asked if I would consider a sailing lifestyle with him. I think I might say, “Yes, but could we stop off in Italy?”

I am sad to say this is the last post for the 11 to 1 Blog. Arrivederci, my readers. I hope you enjoyed my journey to date. May you all find love in all the right places, wherever that may be.
*Names and identifying information have been changed to protect privacy and security.
Photo:Roberto Lo Savio /iStock