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Rachel Blumme

Something unusual has happened. I’ve been in contact with a man I met online. He’s a few years younger than me, his profile is exciting and his photos are beyond exciting.
Online dating has become an integral part of my life. Every day I receive several emails, “winks,” “yeses” and “likes” from men as close as my new hometown in Florida and as far away as the Czecho Republic and Greenland. I’ve gone on too many dates to keep track and enjoyed them all, though I…
My friend’s grandfather drove a fruit cart in the Bronx in the early 1900s. My friend was very proud of his family’s fruitful legacy and, in particular, his own fruit-picking skills at the grocery store. He would carefully look at the fruit, smell the fruit, squeeze the fruit and sometimes even…
My grandmother told me, “It’s as easy to date a rich man as it is to date a poor man.” Or was that marry a rich man? Anyway, I’ve dated both indiscriminately.
Interview 100 people currently engaged in dating and I suspect the majority would say, “This sucks.”
OK, ladies, let’s look at specific male dating behaviors and identify which ones might work for us, too. Here are a few of my favorites from the book How to Date Like a Man by Myreah Moore.
One man I was going out with said that men date different women simultaneously to find the most appealing one. Others tell me you have to kiss many frogs to find your prince.
A recent first date was quite forthcoming. He suggested that I date like a man.
On my first date since becoming single again, the guy tried to swoop down and kiss me. I counter-swooped out of range. I wondered, why do total strangers think I should press my lips against theirs?
I missed Flirting 101 in college, and it still doesn’t come naturally to me. (I don’t accessorize well either.) I don’t even understand what flirting is or how to recognize it. Girlfriends, even my children, have said, “He’s flirting with you.” I say, “Really?”
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