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Prepare for Zombies! (And Other Emergencies) Courtesy of the CDC


Who says the federal government doesn't have a sense of humor?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has posted on their website a clever,  attention-getting preparedness guide for a possible zombie invasion (as well as for other serious, more reality-based emergencies).

The CDC, better known for its advice on dangerous health threats like E. coli poisoning or flu pandemics, wants Americans to be prepared for all kinds of disasters, whether it's flesh-eating zombies, killer tornadoes or mass power outages.

Their tongue-in-cheek blog post proved so popular when it was first posted earlier this month that the website temporarily crashed.

Written by Assistant Surgeon General Ali Khan, it advises Americans to have an emergency kit in the house that includes things like "water, food, and other supplies to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp (or in the event of a natural disaster , it will buy you some time until you are able to make your way to an evacuation shelter or utility lines are restored)."

Perhaps the CDC was influenced by the pivotal role it played in the AMC television show, "The Walking Dead," which was filmed in Atlanta, home to CDC headquarters. The federal agency was also featured in the show's finale last year, when refugees from the zombie invasion huddled for protection in CDC offices.

Obviously, the agency knows a thing or two about preparing for the worst.

Even if your neighborhood isn't likely to be invaded by frightening ghouls, the CDC recommends that you keep a disaster supply kit for other unforeseen events. It should include the following, as recommended on the CDC's Emergency Preparedness page:

*Water,  one gallon per person, per day

*Non-perishable food

*Medications, both prescription and non-prescription

*Tools and supplies, like duct tape, battery-powered radio, utility knife

*First aid supplies (although the site notes that "you're a goner if a zombie bites you, (but) you can use these supplies to treat cuts and lacerations you might get during a tornado or hurricane.")

Image credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Social Media

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