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11 Things We Didn't Know Last Week

News, discoveries and ... fun

USA Archie comic postage stamp
Ken W Brown

1. The venerable teenager Archie Andrews of comic book fame will die a heroic death. (Learn more at AARP)

2. Exercise helps aging brains grow bigger. (Learn more at The Atlantic)

Mature African American woman with bicycle

3. Former Taco Bell interns claim the $1 billion idea now marketed as the Doritos Locos Taco was theirs nearly 20 years ago, and they have pictures to prove it.  (Learn more at Huffington Post)


Good ideas can come from anyone. Taco Bell interns in 1995 were first to suggest Doritos Tacos - Laura Fitzpatrick (@BitzOfFitz) April 8, 2014

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4. Early morning sunlight can help you control your weight. (Learn more at AARP)

coffee on table and Eiffel tower in Paris
Iakov kalinin

5. The U.S. Navy can turn seawater into fuel. (Learn more at DefenseNews)

Navy Ship Hawaii

6. Gamers play the 30-year-old video game Tetris on a 100,000-square-foot "screen." (Learn more at Seattle PI)

7. Boston doctors prescribe memberships to public bike-share programs. (Learn more at Fast Company)


8. Medicare paid 344 doctors at least $3 million apiece in 2012. (Learn more at AARP)

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9. Proof via Twitter: Easterners prefer Bud Light, Westerners prefer Coors Light. (Learn more at Daily Mail)

Beer preferences in U.S.

10. A woman is living in her Amsterdam apartment as if she were stuck in 1938, right down to her Bakelite phone and vintage sewing kit. (Learn more at Yahoo News)

Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse

11. A retired Canadian teacher makes good on his promise to return letters he had students write to themselves 20 years ago. (Learn more at National Post)

Bonus Video: Come along with two-legged boxer Duncan on his first visit to the beach.


Learn something this week? Mail your ideas to, and we'll try to include your story next time.

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Images - Archie Stamp: PictureLake/iStockphoto; Woman on bicycle: kali9/iStockphoto; Morning coffee in Paris: lakovKalinin/iStockphoto; USS Anchorage: U.S. Navy photo by Christopher Lindahl; Boston bikeshare: Marc Buehler/Flickr; Beer map embedded from Daily Mail Online; Self portrait, courtesy of Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse

Music - Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra plays Jimmie Lunceford and his Orchestra - Blue Blazes by Sy Oliver, Creative Commons, courtesy of Smithsonian Remix project.



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