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Amy Goyer

It’s that time of year when many families gather for holiday celebrations and check in on loved ones. It can be a tough combo, creating a celebratory mood while also dealing with serious family issues. I get a lot of questions from family caregivers about how to handle difficult conversations that…
In English | He cuidado a mi familia por más de 30 años, y he descubierto que hay algunos dispositivos que no solamente hacen mi vida más fácil, sino hacen que la vida de las personas que cuido sea más segura y feliz.
Una gran parte de personas, que comprende de la generación del milenio a personas de 75 años o mayores, cumple hoy el papel de cuidador familiar de la tercera edad. Sin embargo, las cargas siguen siendo las mismas —varias horas, sin remuneración, alto nivel de estrés— y la mayoría hace malabarismos…
Watching the new PBS documentary Caring for Mom and Dad was like looking in a mirror. The gut-wrenching heartaches, stress, fatigue, fears — but most of all, the love — these families experience reflect my own caregiving journey.
Family caregivers in the U.S. spend an estimated 30 billion hours per year caring for older family and friends. That’s about $522 billion in care, according to a new Rand Corp. study, as measured by valuing the time caregivers have sacrificed in order to be able to provide care.
The first U.S. Census Bureau report in more than a decade on grandparents living with grandchildren highlights growth and diversity, and confirms that, while the trend has slowed some as the economy recovers from recession, multigenerational living is not going away. Fully 10 percent of the…
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