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Barbara Hannah Grufferman

Who said reading glasses had to be frumpy?
Aging in America isn't always easy, especially when we're bombarded with messages trying to convince us that youth equals beauty. 'Old' is something we should avoid at all costs, they seem to tell us, and if we don't . . . well, maybe it's time to just step aside.
I was worried when I turned 50 a few years ago. Like many of us, I was unsure about the right steps to take for better health, fitness, style . . . everything. Midlife can be a very confusing time, filled with all kinds of change, often making us anxious about our futures. This is the main reason I…
After I turned 50, it dawned on me that I had been letting myself go, packing on the post-menopausal pounds and not doing any regular exercise. It's not that I didn't care, but simply too busy with work, family, friends, life, to focus on . . . me. Sound familiar?
The older I get, the more I have embraced these two key concepts: "less is more" and "the simpler the better." This is especially true when it comes to fashion after 50.
As a new columnist for AARP, I wanted to introduce myself and share a little background about why I wrote "The Best of Everything After 50" and have become a very loud supporter of embracing your age . . . whatever it is. I look forward to having a lively dialogue with all of you in the months…
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