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Beth Daniels

I love space stuff - not enough to take physics or anything, but enough to really wish I had the cash to chase solar eclipses around the world. Why? Because I was in grade school during the best years of NASA's Apollo Program and some of my fondest memories are of our little family huddled around…
When I heard that Gore Vidal died July 31 at the age of 86, my first thoughts were of my sister, Jennifer. She discovered him when we were teenagers during the Carter Administration and fell in love with his novels hard. Her devotion to his work was nearly Twihard in scope, except Vidal's books…
"There are worse things than Apaches," says Dallas, a fallen woman, looking out at the row of tight-lipped, righteous ladies who are running her out of town. It's the kind of line and scene that makes me wish modern blockbusters gave women more to do. I just finished watching John Ford's Stagecoach…
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