This week's episode of "The Cheap Life" is full of ideas on how to "upcycle" or reuse some items around your house like redecorating a brick with pottery or glass pieces or how to spruce up a table lamp.
Did you know that June 18 is National Splurge Day? I kid you not. It's the one day of the year when it's officially OK to pull out all the stops and indulge yourself, assuming that that's not already your standard operating procedure when it comes to spending money the other 364 days of the year.
As Father's Day rolls around once again, I'm thankful for all of the things my dear Dad has taught me over the years, including some invaluable lessons about money. Here are the top five lessons I've learned from my frugal father:
Yard sales are a GREAT way to declutter and earn a few extra bucks. But there's more to it than putting price tags on your old stuff and a sign out in your front yard. This episode of the Cheap Life offers tips from me and the Yard Sale Queen on ways to price your treasures to sell.
Planning a summer vacation? Check out my new episode of "The Cheap Life" where I talk about ways to find cheap places to stay when you travel. If you haven't considered hostels or "couchsurfing," these alternatives to staying in traditional hotels can save you big bucks.
I've often wondered when and why Americans went so crazy over household cleaning products. Growing up 50 years ago I recall my Mom having only three or four different cleaning products around the house, at most. I also recall that nothing awful ever happened because of her minimalist cleaning…