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Jill Greenberg

Divided We Fail is growing. Today, the National Federation of Independent Business joined the Divided We Fail coalition. Small business is joining the call to end the partisan bickering and come together to find solutions on health and financial security. These issues are a big deal to small…
Fellow bloggers over at the OMB Watch Blog put in a plug for yesterday's testimony from AARP's CEO Bill Novelli. Testimony here and subsequent hullaballoo here and here. Making sure that Social Security is around for the long term is a fixable problem that will involve tough choices for all…
Good wrap up from the Kasier Family Foundation yesterday on state of CHIP, as well as some more stories today on the ongoing food fight. Seems the President yesterday continued his campaign against the bill, speaking out against the tobacco tax. Lots of reaction to that also, including AARP.
Today, Senator McCain was at the Families USA and the Federation of American Hospitals Forum on Health Care talking about the importance of the private market in health care. He mentioned the importance of the safety net, as well as bringing down costs.
More debating last night from the Democratic Presidential candidates, with Social Security taking center stage for part of the evening. For those of you who were out trick-or-treating early, AARPcomments here, and a sampling of some other folks:
Today, the Senate Budget Committee is going to be talking about the long term challenges of Medicare and Social Security, with lotsa folks testifying, including AARP CEO Bill Novelli. Starts now, you can watch here.
Yesterday, Ray linked to the Robert Ball column in the Washington Post, which caused comments aplenty in the blogosphere yesterday.
The Clinton campaign has put together it's own ad on Social Security- link here.
The candidates are continuing to talk about the issues... Senator Barack Obama has a new ad about Social Security and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani has a new ad on health care. Good to see candidates focusing on health and financial security; we look forward to hearing more about these issues in the…
Kaiser Family Foundation has a new poll on the issues that the public wants to see Congress take action on. Big shock, the top domestic issue is health care for Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Just another reminder about how important this issue is to voters.
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