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Laura Segal

Current Role: Vice President, External Relations at AARP
AARP doesn’t endorse or give money to political candidates, parties or campaigns. We do not direct candidates, parties or PACs to use our name in ads, fundraising emails or other campaign efforts. Ever. When AARP’s name is misused by a campaign, we ask that they take it down. Our non-partisan status matters to us and to our members, especially in this day and age, and has been verified by numerous independent fact checkers.
Last week, President Biden and former President Obama spoke about the state of health care in the United States a dozen years after the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) passage. It’s easy to forget just how many people lacked coverage before the ACA was enacted: 18.2% of the country, or about 48.2 million non-elderly Americans, had no coverage in 2010 – one in six of whom were 50-64 years old.
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