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Pam Evans

These are truly some of the most beautiful, touching (and even hilarious) photos, essays and poems I've ever seen and read. Considering they're created by teams of inter-generational partners for the 2012 Rachel Carson Sense of Water Contest makes them even more worthy of your visit to the site...…
Who would have thought some of our best friends would be the 100 Trillion bacteria living in, and on, our bodies?
The old joke, "How many (blonds, lawyers, etc.) does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" just got more complicated! The old flourescent tubes that used to illuminate millions of homes, and still light up many garages, workrooms and office buildings, bid their final adieu on Saturday. If you have one…
Talk about the miracle of brilliant marketing: Did you know most bottled water is actually filtered municipal water? Put it in a pretty bottle, throw on a sexy label and mention something about a mountain spring, and we're willing to shell out 2000 times the amount of money it costs for something…
When did it get so hard to know what was healthy, wholesome food?
Here's another frightening example of the lack of prudent examination BEFORE new chemicals are put on the market. Introduced in 2010 as an eco-friendly weed killer for lawns, this one is responsible for killing or damaging hundreds of thousands of trees.
This definitely falls into the "I've got good news and bad news" category - it's not JUST the food we eat that's packing on the pounds. It's almost everything we use, eat, drink, touch and smell in our modern lives - and it's even affecting our babies. (That's the worst of the bad news to this new…
Guest Post: As AARP's Sustainability Manager, Pam Evans has led the effort to incorporate environmentally responsible practices into AARP's internal business operations. She's passionate about educating members on the importance of responsible use of resources, and the direct connection between the…
Guest Post: As AARP's Sustainability Manager, Pam Evans has led the effort to incorporate environmentally responsible practices into AARP's internal business operations. She's passionate about educating members on the importance of responsible use of resources, and the direct connection between the…
Guest Post: As AARP's Sustainability Manager, Pam Evans has led the effort to incorporate environmentally responsible practices into AARP's internal business operations. She's passionate about educating members on the importance of responsible use of resources, and the direct connection between the…
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