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3 Quick Fixes for Holiday 'Beauty Bummers'


’Tis almost the season — of overreach, that is, when your already busy life gets even busier.

From meal planning and preparation to getting together with far-flung family and friends — and, of course, trying to look radiant through it all — the last thing you need is to be thrown off your game plan by an unforeseen “beauty bummer.”

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But don’t stress — you’ve got enough of that in your life already! I’m here to offer you some easy fixes for three common beauty bummers:

Beauty Bummer No. 1: Puffy eyes. I’m all about the wassailing, but if you want to maintain your stamina and sense of humor over the next few weeks, you’ll have to get a good night’s sleep — and not overindulge in the bubbly.

So, that’s plan A.

If it fails and you  do wake up with extra puffiness beneath the eyes, try one of these simple plan-B remedies:

Clip Art of Eye

   Keep four metal teaspoons in a plastic bag in the freezer. Grab two, lie down and place one over each (closed!) eyelid, convex-side down. As soon as they warm up, replace them with two new cooled ones.

Clip Art of Eye

   Steep two caffeinated tea bags and put them in a plastic bag in the freezer. Once they are cold, lie down and place one atop each closed eyelid. (You can keep a “beauty-emergency stash” of spoons and bags in the freezer at all times.)

Clip Art of Eye

   You may also want to try a product formulated for puffy eyes. Candidates include Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller and Clinique’s All About Eyes Serum De-Puffing Eye Massage. Both contain a “secret” ingredient — caffeine — to help you de-puff.

Beauty Bummer No. 2: Flat hair. It’s 5 p.m. and you’re at the office when you get a last-minute invite to a holiday do at a friend-of-a-friend’s apartment.

You say yes.

Then you look at your hair in the mirror.

Before you reach for that phone to cancel, try this simple trick. It works, but you’ll need to keep a can of dry shampoo in your desk drawer. (One possibility, shown below, is Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo.) Spritz some shampoo onto both hands, then bend over and gently knead it into your hair, closest to the scalp. Repeat that step, working the shampoo into all your hair. Then, still bending, grab your hair and create a “unicorn tail” — a ponytail at the very top/front of your head. Stand up straight and twist all your hair in

Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo Spray

to a “unicorn bun,” then secure it with a scrunchie or some clips.

While your hair “sets,” refresh your makeup for the party. After about 10 minutes, bend over again and gently remove the fastener(s). Shake your head a few times and slowly stand up. Position your hair, fix your part — and you’re ready to rock! (Don’t forget to check the back of your hair, too.)

Beauty Bummer No. 3: Weight gain. Who doesn’t put on a few pounds as the mercury starts to drop? This lamentable trend gets com pounded by the holidays, with their “Excess is in!” vibe. The smartest way to lose weight is to eat less and move your body more. But as we all know, that takes time — and the party is next Friday!

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There is a way to make it look like you’ve lost weight overnight, though: Stand up straight! Not only will you appear thinner, you’ll boost your mood and your confidence. (Barb’s bonus: You’ll be doing your back and spine a huge favor, too!) And if your postholiday plan is to shed some extra weight, why wait to get started on that noble goal? This short video will help you do just that.

For tips on foiling the biggest beauty bummer of all — doing things that make you look older than you are — check out this video (or become a subscriber so you don’t miss an episode):

What’s your biggest beauty bummer? Tell me in the comments section below and I may feature it in an upcoming episode!

Until next time, keep in mind that we can't control getting older, but we can control how we do it!

Photos: Blue_Cutler, istockphoto;; sephora

Eye graphic: © 2014

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