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4 Tips to Staying Ageless and Active From a Supermodel

Former supermodel Dayle Haddon (now a mom and grandmother!) is no stranger to adversity. Widowed unexpectedly at 38, she went from being a Vogue and Harper's Bazaar cover girl to an office receptionist to pay the bills. In the early '90s as the de-aging trend caught fire, Dayle pitched her maturing face to Estee Lauder and L'Oreal Paris. She launched her career comeback, but it wasn't all about beauty. As an ambassador for UNICEF and Free The Children and founder of WomenOne, Dayle, 65, has also become a powerful social activist. Now a spokesmodel for Beauty Is Bone Deep, a new campaign and contest by Bayer Healthcare that you can learn more about at, she shares her secrets for inner strength and outer beauty. Meanwhile, here are Dayle's top tips for us:

Dayle Haddon
Bryan Bedder
EAT HEALTHY BUT ALLOW YOURSELF TO CHEAT. Almost every morning I make a juice using celery, kale, apple, beet, cucumber and carrot. Fresh veggies and light fruits make me feel great, but I'd go crazy if I didn't ever go off ! I have a weakness for Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and give in every once in a while.

COME TO TERMS WITH YOUR LOOKS AND LIFE. Develop a philosophy that doesn't depend on having or not having wrinkles. Wearing sunscreen (remember to include your  hands, neck and chest ) and moisturizer daily are crucial on the outside but expand your ability to be happy inside, too. For me it's meditation and a gratitude list that I go over at least once a day. It puts things in perspective and helps solve problems.

GIVE BACK. Pay it forward. When we volunteer, we pass on to others what's been given to us and connect with new people and communities. I started my own nonprofit, WomenOne, in 2009 to create positive change in the lives of women and girls globally through access to quality education. Seeing the results is so inspiring and gratifying.

GET MOVING! Exercise is so important as we age. Find activities you're able to do and enjoy. I love walking in Central Park, jumping on a mini-trampoline and practicing yoga. They help my body and clear my mind as well. Quality of life depends a lot on how we take care of our bodies.

For more beauty and fashion tips for women 50 +, check The Wardrobe Wakeup, Your Guide to Looking Fabulous at Any Age by Lois Joy Johnson ($14.55,

Photo credit : Citracal



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