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Remembering Senator Robert Byrd


As I am sure you have heard by now, Senator Robert Byrd is no longer with us. At the age of 92 and after 51 years of service in the Senate and 6 years in the House, he is the longest-serving member of Congress.
Drew Nannis, Senior Vice President of Media Relations, and a former Senate staffer, shares this memory of Senator Byrd with us as we recall his many years of service. See his guest post below.
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From Drew Nannis:
Washington (and more importantly West Virginia) mourns the passing of Senate legend Robert Byrd - a man whose idiosyncrasies were outweighed only by the respect he commanded. I never worked for Senator Byrd and my own time working in the Senate was brief - especially compared to Byrd's - but I had one interaction with the Senator that left an impression. Working for then-Senator Salazar, I needed to get my boss' approval on something and was told the Senator was on the floor voting. As I rarely got scheduled time with Salazar (or anyone else), I ran down to stalk him outside the Senate chamber hoping that I could catch him as he went to his next meeting. A typical staff move.
I stood off to the side in the corridor, notes and folders and papers tucked under one arm so I could free another hand for my blackberry. I was engrossed with my head down in the ubiquitous blackberry prayer position we are all too familiar with. As I typed, I noticed a pair of shoes had stopped right in front of me, then the shoes turned so the tips of the shoes were pointing at me. I kept typing, head down.
A few seconds later I noticed the shoes were still there, so I looked up - more annoyed than anything else that someone dare disturb my blackberrying. Right in front of me was Senator Byrd. Despite the fact I was leaning up against a wall, I looked behind me to see who the Senator must have been waiting for. I was alone. "Good afternoon, Senator," I said reverently. Byrd smiled, nodded a hello and shuffled off.
I don't know why he stopped. I know less why he waited for me to look up. I don't know how long he might have waited there if I hadn't looked up. But it left an impression. One of countless impressions left on scores of staffers and millions of Americans over a career focused on leaving just that.

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