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This Week in Boomer History: Sally Ride ... Monterey Pop ... Civil Rights

Astronaut Sally Ride

Notable events from our shared experience

Astronaut Sally K. Ride becomes the first American woman in space on June 18, 1983. Passionately devoted to teaching science, technology, engineering and math to girls, she starts Sally Ride Science in 2001.

Singer-actress Judy Garland dies at age 47 on June 22, 1969. Fred Astaire once called the star of The Wizard of Oz "the greatest entertainer who ever lived."

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President Richard Nixon signs a measure lowering the voting age to 18 on June 22, 1970.

Opening in California on June 16, 1967, the three-day Monterey International Pop Music Festival helps launch Jimi Hendrix, the Who and Janis Joplin to stardom.

Considered to be the first-ever summer blockbuster, Steven Spielberg's monster movie Jaws opens in hundreds of theaters on June 20, 1975.

Columbia Records unveils the long-playing, 33â…“ rpm phonograph record on June 19, 1948. Overcoming technical issues that sank the format in the early 1930s, the first release features Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E Minor with soloist Nathan Milstein.

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After an 83-day filibuster, the U.S. Senate approves the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on June 19. Two days later, civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner disappear in Philadelphia, Miss.; their bodies are found six weeks later.

LBJ and MLK Signing Civil Rights Act 1964
After Senate approval June 19, the Civl Rights Act of 1964 is signed July 2.


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Photos - Sally Ride: NASA; LBJ and MLK:Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Music - Test Drive: Zapac via ccMixter and Nathan Milstein plays Mendelssohn (but not on the first LP) Chicago Symphony Orchestra 1962-3 (; 


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