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Weekend News

Happy Monday!
Yesterday, The New York Times ran a story on the heated debate among AARP's generation gap, focusing on a dinner gathering of AARP members that took place in Wisconsin last week. That dinner was just one of 37 in Wisconsin alone over the past six weeks. AARP's intensive campaign to address the concerns of its older members has paid off, according to the article, with support for an overhaul growing as the campaign kicked into high gear over the past few months.
The article portrays the concerns of a wide range of AARP members, and also quotes David Certner, director of legislative policy for AARP and Nancy LeaMond, executive vice president of AARP.
In other news, an interesting story in the Chicago Tribune advises retirees to consider taxes when thinking of relocating in retirement. It's worth checking out. The author says, "No matter where you live, your federal taxes will be about the same. But you'd be amazed at how much your state and local tax burden may vary."
Finally, an AP story that got a lot of pickup over the weekend explained the waiver of the government required withdrawal from IRAs and employee-sponsored 401(k)s and profit sharing plans. The requirement is that once a person reaches 70 ½ years of age, they must withdraw money (called required minimum distributions) - but a law passed last year temporarily lifted that requirement to prevent retirees from having to withdraw from accounts that were hit hard by the stock market. It's temporary relief - but it's relief!

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