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Correy Robertson

The fact is, many American's retirement accounts took a hit during difficult economic times - leaving many people wondering if retirement was still even an option. Are you one of those people with questions about your retirement? When can you retire? What do you need to do in order to get there?…
Here is a noteworthy post from's "Healthland" section: this one on Alzheimer's Disease and California First Lady Maria Shriver's report ( The Shriver Report: A Woman's Nation Takes on Alzheimer's), which shows that Alzheimer's is largely a woman's problem. According to the TIME piece,…
If not, you should think about getting up and doing so. I came across this blog post from the LA Times today reporting on a study published yesterday by the Journal of Neurology. The study showed that not only does walking improve physical health (we all knew that part, right?), but it may also…
No, I'm not talking about the cardboard witch you have hanging on your window. I'm talking about none other than the lovely pumpkin you'll be carving (if you haven't already) for Halloween this year.
AARP has a great piece from yesterday about just how helpful nurse practitioners are in keeping patients healthy across the country. There are even hundreds of clinics nationwide that are fully staffed with nurses. Doctors are always preferred, but nurses can often be just as effective as treating…
I'm always on the lookout for what the latest studies show in terms of how to stay healthy, how to lose weight, how to boost your metabolism... and if you read any news at all, you're bound to find at least one of those stories every day. Sometimes, studies seem like they were unnecessary (Study…
For those of you who are over 50 and are clueless about what vitamins you should be taking (I'll admit I'm a culprit), you definitely want to check out this neat tool that AARP created so you can see what vitamins are important for your dietary needs:
As much as you may love your sibling(s), issues involving your aging parents often lead to arguments -- and even sometimes serious altercations within the family. Check out AARP's article on a new form of family problem-solving, elder mediation, that helps siblings see eye to eye when trying to…
After recently resolving longstanding argument with my neighbor, I appreciate this article more than ever. AARP Peter Lovenheim has a great piece on the importance of neighbors and how they can be allies -- especially after retirement:
I've been seeing this article around the news sites I frequent today, and it even started with my trusty morning commute newspaper (Can you believe I read something in print?)
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