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Perfectly Imperfect: An Homage To Caregivers

After her presentation, in which Lee Woodruff (caregiver, wife of Bob Woodruff and author of In an Instant: A Family's Journey of Love and Healing) told the hundreds of caregivers in her audience not to miss the chance for a back massage.That's right. A massage. She also asked the audience to find a moment each day that they can savor and find peace. For her that moment is early in the morning, when her husband and kids are in bed, the house is quiet and she can wrap her hands around a cup of warm, steamy coffee.
Later caregivers by the scores headed to the AARP caregiving booth on the exhibit hall floor at Orlando@50+. The booth is the hub of AARP's celebration of caregivers at the event, with everything from the fabulous massages to dark chocolate, a chance to win spa certificates and more serious help like a chance to talk with professional social workers who can help with caregiving questions, state by state resource data and a chance to tell their caregiving stories on video.
Don't know if your're a caregiver? Take our quick quiz:
1) Know more about your mom's prescriptions than your own?
2) Wonder if your parents should still be driving?
3) Take care of kids, parents & work, but not yourself?
If you answer YES to any of these questions, you are a caregiver or will become one soon. AARP is working hard to appreciate the thousands of hard-working, sometimes self-doubting but always loving caregivers who give more than get, because they are family and that's what families do. When the conference is over, you can turn to for tools, resources and a supportive online community of caregivers.

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