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Are You 60 or Older? Join Our New Social Media Platform

Senior Couple Series
Willie B. Thomas

We’re unveiling a new space to spend time with friends old and new, with the launch of Senior Planet Community — a social platform developed by Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP that’s built by and for older adults.

The website is exclusive to adults age 60-plus and allows users to join groups related to their interests. Want to join a virtual book club? Interested in sharing and receiving fitness tips? Senior Planet Community has something for you.

“Social media provides a platform for interaction and community building that older adults are craving,” Tom Kamber, executive director of OATS from AARP, said in a statement, noting that social media and technology use skyrocketed among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent AARP report found that nearly half (44 percent) of adults 50 and over view technology more positively as a way of staying connected than they did before COVID-19.

Create a Senior Planet Community account, and learn more about the platform.

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