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A Laxative-Free, Virtual Colonoscopy? It Could Happen Soon

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Think of it: A virtual colonoscopy that doesn't require a day spent taking laxatives and being sequestered in the bathroom, and doesn't use that lovely little camera-probe inserted where the sun don't shine.

Sign me up, you might say.

Yeah, well, not so fast. First, it's still being studied. And second, it's almost -- but not quite -- as accurate as the traditional colonoscopy that does require all that prep work.

A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that a new method using a CT scan to screen for colon cancer could detect 91 percent of suspicious polyps 10 millimeters or larger, compared with 95 percent identified when the same patients had a standard colonoscopy.

The study was partially funded by GE Healthcare, maker of the CT imaging device used in virtual colonoscopies.

Because colon cancer -- found most often in people age 50 and older -- is largely preventable if polyps are caught early, having a colonoscopy is a life-saving treatment.

However, researchers acknowledge that many people dread the day-before laxative preparation to clear out their bowels so the polyps can be seen.

The new technique, explains the Boston Globe, works by using a contrast dye, which patients ingest two days before the test, to highlight fecal matter in the colon, which then can be digitally erased from the scan using a software program, making it easier to see polyps.

In the study of 605 patients, who underwent both the virtual colonoscopy followed by the standard one, the standard one was also better than the virtual test at detecting smaller polyps. The virtual colonoscopy detected 70 percent of polyps under 8 millimeters, compared with 88 percent detected by the traditional exam.

The CT scan also delivers a dose of radiation, which is why the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, a government advisory group, recommended against the procedure in 2008, saying it wasn't clear that the benefits outweighed the risk.

Still, researchers think a virtual colonoscopy might encourage those who have been avoiding getting screened to go ahead and do it.

Just one thing: If you have a virtual colonoscopy and it does detect a polyp, you still have to undergo a standard colonoscopy -- laxatives and all -- to have the polyp removed and biopsied.

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Photo credit: Radiological Society of North America

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