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AARP CEO Reacts to State of the Union Address

In a statement released tonight, after the State of the Union address, AARP CEO A. Barry Rand said:
"While economic statistics point towards a rebound, Americans still need relief. We are encouraged by the President's commitment to help current workers build their own lifetime economic security through the creation of the Automatic IRA, a low-cost, high-impact tool that would help tens of millions of American workers who do not currently have access to a retirement savings plan at work. As many Americans try to re-build retirement nest eggs, they deserve to know that lax financial oversight won't lead to another economic meltdown. So we are pleased that the President called on Congress to enact measures, including the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, which would overhaul a failed regulatory accountability system.
"As Washington turns its focus to the economy and job creation, we must not forget that access to affordable, quality health care is among the most important and personal economic issues for the vast majority of Americans.
"We look forward to working with President Obama and members of Congress from both parties to work on the issues critical to our members and all older Americans. It's time to find solutions that work for Americans who have done the right things, but still struggle to build a nest egg, find an affordable health plan or care for a loved one."
Full text of the statement can be found here.

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