AARP Eye Center
Botox For Your....Bladder?
By Candy Sagon, May 24, 2012 08:00 AM

Botox may be better known for smoothing wrinkles, but a new study finds that it can greatly help women with overactive bladders achieve more normal lives.
The Atlantic magazine reports that the largest study to date has found that Botox is effective at calming the muscles that cause women to have urinary incontinence. The study, conducted in the United Kingdom, was published online in European Urology.
The 240 women in the study had severely overactive bladders that had not responded to standard treatments, such as pelvic muscle tightening exercises and medication.
A total of 122 women received Botox injections along their bladder wall, while a control group received saline injections. The women then reported on how the treatment was working at six weeks, three months and six months after the injections. (Botox works by blocking nerve signals that cause muscles to contract or spasm.)
By six months, nearly one-third of the women who got Botox had full control over urination, compared to 12 percent of the saline group. Even those who did not become fully continent reported that leakage episodes had decreased from six times a day to just 1.67.
There were some side effects to the treatment. One in six women in the study reported difficulty urinating at some point during the six months and some required self-catheterization to drain the urine. Urinary tract infections also occurred in three times as many women in the Botox group as in the saline group.
However, the researchers noted that some of these side effects may improve as doctors reduce the Botox dose with further research and study.
Botox, manufactured by Allergan, was approved in the U.S. last year by the Food and Drug Administration to be used for urinary incontinence associated with neurological diseases like spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis.
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